As we enter the new year we have a lot to be thankful for. God saw fit to leave us on this earth for another year so that means he’s not done with us yet. I’m going to be 81 in February and I’m closer than a lot of you to the end but God had a purpose when he called me 40 years ago and I’m still fulfilling the call. I am just as excited as I was when we started the mission in 1983. We opened

Christ Chapel in Clifton about three months ago and God is doing great things. He’s bringing new people in that need to be saved. Some have never been in church before in their life and they’re coming every Sunday to hear the word of God and to find out that they are important to Christ and to us as we see their lives change and they get their hearts right with God. They become important to each other as they find a family that they never knew existed. How about you? do you attend church or are you one of those who feel you do not need to attend church to be close to God. The bible tells us to not forsake the fellowship of the brethern. You don’t live to yourself. If you’re not saved you’re leading your loved ones down a path that leads to hell. Let me ask a question. How many have children that do not attend church? Maybe they do not attend because you, their parents did not attend. And what about those of you who know the Lord? Do you have children that never go to church or very seldom attend? Why? They may have many reasons why they do not attend church. Sadly a lot of them who have christian parents say they do not want to be like their parents. Maybe as parents we need to take another look and make sure our lives are in order. Make sure we are living for Christ. You would do anything for your kids but you’re not willing to give your heart to the master. Do you know your going to make heaven your home when you die? Unless your children are saved they will not make heaven their home and a part of you will be missing.

I have heard all the excuses “I don’t want to be like the hypocrites in the church, all they do is fight if they do not get their way and they gossip all the time”. Well the answer to these statements is this; take your eyes off man and put them on Christ, be the very best that you can be and ask God to place his love in your heart so you do not see their faults. Let them experience the love that God put in your heart when he saved you.

We are preaching the gospel to the lost and to the saved were bringing Christ to all who come. We are a family with many different members and I praise God for every one of them that attend. We are preaching in the book of Revelation each Sunday until we finish the book. Why not come and join us? You are needed and God needs you.

In the month of November and December we gave out several items of food and we bought gifts for a family in Fruita.  I thank God that we were able to do so.

All donations stay here in the valley. Our tithes and offerings go to pay our bills and meet our missionary needs over in Pakistan and Kenya. Some have received A Christmas card. These cards were made by kids in Pakistan. These children are very poor. Three of them could not go to school because their parent had no money to send them.  It costs $50.00 to put one child in school in Pakistan and $5.00 a month. My wife and myself paid to have three kids put in school. That was a joy. To see the smiles on their faces is all we need.

As we enter the new year lift us up in prayer. Come and visit if you attend a church. We’re not asking you to leave your church and come to ours. We’re just saying come and visit. Remember it’s good to be in the house of the Lord.

For you who do not go to church why not come and try our new Chapel out? were at 3210 hwy 70 b loop in Mesa Point Plaza. You are welcome.


Mesa Point Plaza Unit L


P. O. BOX 3461 – 3210 I70 Buiness Loop

Clifton,CO   81520

(970) 270-6819