
As we enter the Christmas Season, we have much to be thankful for. If you serve the Christ of Calvary you are thankful for the salvation he gives, the health that you have, and family. Now some don’t have much family and some have none, so we need to reach out to those who feel alone and show them love and understanding.

We had three souls come to the Lord this month. I praise God for them. They stood and made a profession of faith and God welcomed them into his family. In a sense we are all members of the same family because God made all of us. But, when a person gives their heart over to Jesus, he or she turns away from the path they were on,  and they become partakers of a heavenly way that they have never been on, then their eternal 

destination is heaven. Now I think most everybody wants to go to heaven, but not everybody wants to pay the price. We celebrate Jesus’ birth as Savior. Why people don’t want to turn from their sins is beyond me. The greatest thing I ever did was to give my heart to Christ and serve a risen Savior. He has kept me and supplied my every need. We know not the time we will take our last breath. 

As of this writing, last week four young people were killed in Idaho. They were not expecting to die that night.  But they did. A car ran over 25 police cadets and they let the person out on bail. Sin is raging it’s ugly head and Satan is having a field day with the people he has  charge of (anyone who is not saved). Jesus is coming back soon! I believe and he tells us in his word to be ready, not to be caught as in the days of Noah. A sign of the end times is happening right now. Maybe you haven’t heard but in Dubai there building a complex for the new one world ruler. It’s called Abrahamic House.  It consists of a Church, a Synagogue, and a Mosque. They’re pushing for a one world religion.

So the Anti Christs home is here now.  The Bible tells us that anyone who takes the mark of the beast will not make heaven their home. And if you don’t take the mark you will not be able to buy sell or conduct business. So who will they depend on if they do not take the mark? JESUS! He will be close to them. He will heal them when they can’t go to doctors. He will supply food when it seems there is no place to find it. He will be their all in all. You can know him as All of that by accepting Christ as your Savior repenting of your sins and start living for Jesus while you still have breath on this earth. The Bible tells us that the angels rejoice in heaven over one who comes to Jesus will they be celebrating over your salvation. I pray so. If you do not know the Christ of Calvary you can. All you have to do is repent of your sins ask Jesus to come into your heart and your born again .

For you who donate, you had a small part in three people coming to Christ. We’re looking for a lot more. Merry Christmas.


P. O. BOX 3461 – 3210 I70 Buiness Loop

Clifton,CO   81520

(970) 270-6819